How to Find Trust in Your Life

connection trust Oct 23, 2023

Finding trust can often be a challenging endeavor. Whether it's trusting others, ourselves, or the journey of life itself, cultivating trust is essential for personal growth and emotional well-being. As a self-mastery coach and energy healer, I have witnessed the transformative power of trust in the lives of my clients. With practical insights and techniques you can discover and nurture trust in your life.

Cultivate Self-Trust

Trust begins with ourselves. Cultivating self-trust is a fundamental step towards building trust in other areas of life. Start by honoring your intuition and inner guidance. When faced with decisions, take a moment to connect with your heart and gut feelings. Trust that you have the wisdom within you to make the right choices for your well-being.


Self-trust also involves being honest with yourself and acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses. Embrace self-compassion and recognize that making mistakes is a natural part of being human. By accepting...

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How to Handle External Pressure from the Physical World

connection growth Jul 31, 2023

The world is demanding, it always feels like we have to go, go, go. We barely allow ourselves time to just sit and rest anymore. It’s not our fault, the physical world exerts a lot of pressure. Maybe you’re struggling with how to handle it or strategies when you feel this enormous amount of pressure causing an energy shift within you.


Here are some suggestions for spiritual practices that may help when the physical world is putting a lot of pressure on you:

  1. Meditation: Take time to sit in quiet contemplation and connect with your inner self. Meditation can help calm the mind, reduce stress, and provide a sense of clarity and peace.
  2. Mindfulness: Practice being fully present in the moment, paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. Mindfulness can help you navigate challenging situations with greater awareness and acceptance.
  3. Prayer or Affirmations: Engage in prayer or affirmations that resonate with your spiritual beliefs....
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Why Gratitude Matters

connection gratitude growth Nov 21, 2022

Have you ever found yourself in the space of questioning? You are unsure of what's next, and clarity is lacking. We let these emotions weigh us down and put us in a negative state. This is where the role of gratitude shines through. Gratitude is an emotion that grounds us and raises our vibration out of the negative and into the positive, which can shift our entire mindset. Why? Because we simply sit in a space that allows us to reflect on what we have and all we've been given. 

Gratitude can help you get clear by focusing on the positive aspects of your life. When you are grateful, you are more likely to see the good in people and situations, which can help you make better decisions aligned with your spirit. When we are grateful, we are more likely to be happy and have positive outlooks on life. Additionally, gratitude can help us to build strong relationships, as we are more likely to show appreciation for others. We begin to incorporate mindfulness into our routine.


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How to Connect to Your Soul on a Deeper Level

connection growth soul Nov 14, 2022

Feeling disconnected from yourself and your purpose isn’t an unfamiliar feeling. Many of us long for a deeper connection to our souls and our purpose in this world. We find ourselves stuck in a season that is no longer serving us. However there are many ways you can connect with your soul on a deeper level, but we are unaware of how we can put these practices into our daily lives. Below are some methods you can begin to implement to help you connect to your emotions, thoughts, and, ultimately, your soul. 

Pay attention to what is expanding and depleting your energy. By connecting with yourself and becoming in tune with what is naturally constricting your energy, you will be aware of the aspects of your life that no longer serve you. 

Mediation is one of the critical tools in quieting your mind and connecting with your innermost thoughts and feelings. It’s one of the most natural ways to foster connection. However, they need to become a consistent part of our...

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Learn how to reclaim your power and your peace in the midst of anxiety and fear.